Sunday, October 30, 2011

Update on Futurist Senario

Step 1: Identify Implications (SWOT: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis).

Strengths – I am sure it would better engage and prepare students.  The technology is here today to implement this.  Its proven, other schools are doing it and having success with it.

Weaknesses- It can be implemented poorly and not achieve its goals.  Doing it right requires an investment in hardware, software, planning, and training and resources are tight.  Due to California’s attendance credit requirements it must be accounted for as Independent Study

Opportunities -  Engaging students, keeping students in school, helping students catch up on credits.  Building necessary 21stCentury skills

Threats – Current Independent study teachers lack specific content knowledge, Current union rules, and administrator domains would not necessarily be applicable. No motivation to change

Step 2: Develop Options (List the things you could do and the things you should do to prepare)

The following activities are things I could do and should do to prepare :
  • Research is needed into current California attendance reporting laws and pending legislation.  Research is also needed into online teacher certification and its applicability to blended learning environments.
  • It is important to understand current JCCS technology plans.
  • Literature review of empirical studies done of blended learning environments and students labeled “at-risk”
Step 3: Monitor Trends (How do you currently monitor trends? How might you need to adjust your radar?

I currently monitor trends through daily and weekly updates in educational technology and the blogs of NCBTs.  I should probably start to expand my PLN to explicitly try to track blended learning environments.  Perhaps there is an edchat, daily or weekly paper or Diigo group

1 comment:

  1. Susan,
    The online community is one into which Coronado Unified is expanding through an application (to be completed) for a charter school. The initial intent is to provide technology resources to support credit recovery and enrichment for students.In addition, we have three employees from our district involved in the SDCOE "online certification program." At CUE I attended Kathryn Hayden's workshop on the course she is teaching in the winter. This course will be one of the courses required of the certification program at CSUSM. The program commences in summer of 2012. The futurist scenario you are investigating is intriguing. I am looking forward to your findings.
